Radiation protection instrumentation - Passive integrating dosimetry systems for environmental and personal monitoring - Part 1: General characteristics and performance requirements (IEC 62387-1:2007)
This standard applies to all kinds of passive dosimetry systems that are used for measuring the personal dose equivalents Hp (10) or Hp (0,07) or the ambient dose equivalent Hp (10) of photon or beta radiation (energy ranges: for photon radiation 12 keV to 7 MeV for Hp (10) and H* (10) and 8 keV to 250 keV for Hp (0,07) / for beta radiation Emax = 225 keV to 3,54 MeV for Hp (0,07)). It specifies requirements and test procedures for complete dosimetry systems including detectors, dosemeters, readers and additional equipment.
Planned document number
IEC 45B/452/CD
Responsible national committee
DKE/GK 852 - Strahlenschutzdosimetrie