Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Performance standard - Part 021-03: Single-mode fibre optic connectors terminated as pigtails and patchcords for category OP - Outdoor protected environment
This part of IEC 61753 defines minimum initial test and measurement requirements and severities which single-mode fibre optic connectors terminated as a pigtail and a patchcord satisfies in order to be categorized as meeting the IEC standard category OP (outdoor protected environment), as defined in IEC 61753-1. If tests were performed on the connectors terminated as pigtails or patchcords for category OPHD, OP+ or OP+HD and the product passed, the product will be automatically qualified or categorized as meeting the IEC standard for category OP. If tests are performed on the connectors terminated as pigtails or patchcords for category OP, and the product passes, the product will be automatically qualified or categorized as meeting the IEC standard for category C or CHD.
Planned document number
DIN EN IEC 61753-021-03
Project number
Responsible national committee
DKE/UK 412.7 - LWL-Verbindungstechnik und passive optische Komponenten