Child care articles - Changing units and changing pads for domestic use - Safety requirements and test methods; German version FprEN 12221:2025
EN 12221 specifies safety requirements and test methods for changing units, changing pads and changing unit accessories for domestic use for children with a body weight of no more than 15 kg. It only covers the function of the item as a changing unit. If the changing unit can be converted or used for another function (e.g. cots, storage furniture, bath tubs and stands, etc.), other relevant European Standards apply. The changing unit can be foldable and can be fitted with a child bathtub or other additional items.
Planned document number
DIN EN 12221
Project number
Responsible national committee
Responsible european committee
CEN/TC 252/WG 1 - Seating and body care
draft standard
Child care articles - Changing units and changing pads for domestic use - Safety requirements and test methods; German and English version prEN 12221:2022
Order from DIN Media
Child care articles - Changing units and changing pads for domestic use - Safety requirements and test methods; German and English version prEN 12221:2023
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previous edition(s)
Order from DIN MediaChild use and care articles - Changing units for domestic use - Part 1: Safety requirements; German version EN 12221-1:2008+A1:2013
Order from DIN Media