Intelligent transport systems - Urban-ITS - Mixed vendor environment guide
This document will provide specifications for a Concept of Operations (CONOPS) for the introduction and maintenance of a 'Mixed Vendor Environment' (MVE) in the domain of urban-ITS. Structured as: - PART I 'Context and issues to be addressed': Describing the context, background, objective of the MVE Guide, and the architectural context. - PART II 'Work concepts': Examines aspects of system design and architecture , and presents the basic knowledge required for the application of Part III. - PART III 'Practice': Provides system design and procurement on three levels against the background of a procedure model.- user level- conceptual explanation- examples. - PART IV 'Outlook': Specifies guidance and requirements for the application of MVE for future business.
Planned document number
DIN CEN/TR 17401
Project number
Responsible national committee
NA 052-00-71-20 GAK - Joint working group NAAutomobil/DKE: Dynamic data in IVS