Railway applications - Wheelsets and bogies - Wheelsets - Product requirements
This European Standard specifies the characteristics of new wheelsets for use on European networks:This standard is applicable to wheelsets comprising elements that conform to the following EuropeanStandards: - EN 13262 for wheels; - EN 13261 for axles;This standard is not fully applicable to wheelsets undergoing maintenance.Some characteristics are given as a function of a category 1 or of a category 2. Category 2 can be dividedinto sub-categories (2a and 2b) to specify certain characteristics. Category 1 is generally chosen when theoperating speed exceeds 200 km/h. The wheelset then comprises wheels and axle of category 1 as specifiedin EN 13262 for the wheels and EN 13261 for the axles.
Planned document number
DIN EN 13260+A1/A2
Project number
Responsible national committee
NA 087-00-02 AA - Running gear