DIN EN ISO 3262-12
Extenders - Specifications and methods of test - Part 12: Muscovite-type mica (ISO 3262-12:2023); German version EN ISO 3262-12:2023
Füllstoffe - Anforderungen und Prüfverfahren - Teil 12: Glimmer - Typ Muskovit (ISO 3262-12:2023); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 3262-12:2023
Responsible national committee
NA 078-00-07 AA - Pigments and extenders in coatings, plastics, paper and printing ink
Responsible european committee
CEN/TC 298 - Pigments and extenders
Responsible international committee
ISO/TC 256/WG 8 - Colorants and extenders for coating materials, plastics, paper and printing inks