DIN EN ISO 14880-4
Optics and photonics - Microlens arrays - Part 4: Test methods for geometrical properties (ISO/DIS 14880-4:2023); German and English version prEN ISO 14880-4:2023
Optik und Photonik - Mikrolinsenarrays - Teil 4: Prüfverfahren für geometrische Eigenschaften (ISO/DIS 14880-4:2023); Deutsche und Englische Fassung prEN ISO 14880-4:2023
Responsible national committee
NA 027-01-18 AA - Laser and electro-optical systems
Responsible european committee
CEN/TC 123 - Lasers and photonics
Responsible international committee
ISO/TC 172/SC 9/WG 7 - Electro-optical systems other than lasers