DIN 4925-3
Well screens and casings of unplasticized polyvinylchloride (PVC-U) for tube wells - Part 3: DN 250 to DN 400 with trapezoidal thread
Filter- und Vollwandrohre aus weichmacherfreiem Polyvinylchlorid (PVC-U) für Brunnen - Teil 3: DN 250 bis DN 400 mit Trapezgewinde
The standard is an updated new edition that now also allows installation lengths of up to 6 000 mm. The document applies to plastic filter pipes and solid-wall pipes made of PVC-U with nominal diameters of DN 250 to DN 400 with a trapezoidal thread for the construction of drilled wells for the extraction of groundwater. The standard has been prepared by DIN-DVGW-Gemeinschaftsunterausschuss NA 119-07-03-01 AA "Bauteile und Produkte für Bohrtechnik und Brunnenbau" ("Components and products for drilling technology and well construction") at DIN Standards Committee Water Practice (NAW).
Document: references other documents
Document: referenced in other documents
Responsible national committee
NA 119-07-03-01 UA - Components and products for drilling technology and well construction