DIN 56955
Entertainment technology - Load assumptions in stages and associated areas - Imposed loads
Veranstaltungstechnik - Lastannahmen für Einbauten in Bühnen und Nebenbereichen - Nutzlasten
This standard applies to load assumptions, in particular permanent and variable loads and their combinations, for installations (technical equipment) in stages and their ancillary areas, installations (technical equipment) in places of assembly as well as in event and production facilities for scenic presentations. This standard does not apply to mobile platforms and frames according to the series of standards DIN 15920 and DIN 15921, their stairs and railings, as well as portable seating (grandstands), decorations and backdrops. This document has been prepared at DIN Standards Committee Entertainment Technology, Photography and Cinematography (NVBF) by Working Committee NA 149-00-06 AA "Arbeitsmittel und Einrichtungen" ("Work equipment and installations").