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Standards [CURRENT]

DIN EN 13284-2
Stationary source emissions - Determination of low range mass concentration of dust - Part 2: Quality assurance of automated measuring systems; German version EN 13284-2:2017

Title (German)

Emissionen aus stationären Quellen - Ermittlung der Staubmassenkonzentration bei geringen Staubkonzentrationen - Teil 2: Qualitätssicherung für automatische Messeinrichtungen; Deutsche Fassung EN 13284-2:2017


This European Standard specifies the standard reference method (SRM) for the measurement of low dust concentration in ducted gaseous streams in the concentrations below 50 mg/m3 at standard conditions. This method is primarily developed and validated for gaseous streams emitted by waste incinerators. More generally, it can be applied to gases emitted from other stationary sources, and to higher concentrations. If the gases contain unstable, reactive or semi-volatile substances, the measurement depends on the sampling and filter treatment conditions. This method has been validated in field tests with special emphasis to dust concentrations around 5 mg/m3. The results of the field tests are presented in Annex A. The revised version of EN 13284-2:2004 contains corrections and adaptations to more recent standards. These include in particular: - The test criteria for QAL1 have been deleted from the scope of application, as the minimum requirements for dust measuring devices are specified in EN 15267-3. Clause 5 of EN 13284-2:2004 has been deleted accordingly. - a clause on symbols and abbreviations has been added. - Clause 6 has been adapted to the structure of Clause 6 of EN 14181:2014. - details on the functional test of dust measuring devices have been added. - the decision criteria for reducing the number of comparison measurements have been changed - a clause on the treatment of SRM readings below the limit of quantification has been added. - the clause on semi-volatile substances has been revised. Requirements for the sampling temperature of the SRM have been added. - requirements for the use of different measurement ranges have been added. - the valid calibration range may be extended to 50 % of the emission limit value for the daily average value if the existence of a linear calibration function has been demonstrated and the determined coefficient of determination is at least 0,80. - if the variability test is not passed due to the influence of semi-volatile components, other conventions for the SRM temperature according to EN 13284-1:2017, Annex H may be used. This shall be stated in the calibration report. - the conditions for reducing the number of comparison measurements have been clarified. - an informative annex on the configuration of extractive dust measuring devices has been added. - an informative annex on procedures for extending the calibration range by changing the dust concentration has been added. - the symbols of the quadratic regression have been adapted to the notation of EN 14181. - an informative annex on the configuration of AMS at mass concentrations below the limit of quantification of the SRM has been added. - an informative annex on significant technical changes has been added. This European Standard is intended in particular for testing laboratories using standard reference methods within the scope of periodic measurements, manufacturers of appropriate measuring equipment, plant operators and regulatory authorities. This European Standard deals in particular with environmental protection and quality control aspects of emission monitoring. Committee NA 134-04-01-09 UA "Staubmessung in strömenden Gasen" ("Dust measurement in flowing gases") at DIN is responsible for this standard.

Document: references other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 134-04-01-09 UA - Dust measurement in flowing gases  

Responsible european committee

CEN/TC 264 - Air quality  

Edition 2018-02
Original language German
Translation English
Price from 109.50 €
Table of contents


Fabian Faassen

VDI-Platz 1
40468 Düsseldorf

Tel.: +49 211 6214482

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