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Standards [CURRENT]

DIN EN 16973
Road vehicles for combined transport - Semitrailer - Vertical transhipment; German version EN 16973:2017

Title (German)

Straßenfahrzeuge für den kombinierten Verkehr - Sattelanhänger - Vertikalumschlag; Deutsche Fassung EN 16973:2017


This document describes the railway-specific requirements relating to semi-trailers which are transported by rail with pocket wagons. For this, the semi-trailers are meant to be suitable for handling by crane. They are handled by gantry cranes or mobile transhipment equipment by the grappler pockets using grabs and lifted into the pocket wagons. The semi-trailers rests with their wheels on the sunken loading area (pocket) of the wagon and at the front with the fifth-wheel plate on the jack. The king pin is locked in the jack and is responsible for the fixing of the semi-trailer in all directions and hence also for withstanding the relevant forces. This document applies to vertical semi-trailers with gripping edges intended for the transportation of goods by road and for combined road-rail transport. This document specifies the maximum envelope for semi-trailers so that they are suitable for smooth rail transport throughout Europe. This document also describes requirements for semi-trailers for use on rail, taking into account the handling process and the actual transportation. This document is intended for manufacturers of craneable semi-trailers and wagon manufacturers, operators of craneable semi-trailers and transhipment operators. This document concerns the combined transportation of craneable semi-trailers on corresponding railroad wagons. This document defines the interfaces between a craneable semi-trailer and the corresponding railroad wagon to ensure smooth transhipment. This is a planning document for the development of craneable semi-trailers and the corresponding railroad wagons. This document is intended to ensure the safe handling of craneable semi-trailers without damage.

Responsible national committee

NA 052-00-38 AA - Intermodal Loading Units and Cargo Securing (ILUCS)  

Responsible european committee

CEN/TC 119/WG 6 - Intermodal Loading Units  

Edition 2018-02
Original language German
Translation English
Price from 65.70 €
Table of contents


Julia Karsch

Behrenstr. 35
10117 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 897842-327

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