DIN EN 50582
Procedure to assess the circuit integrity of optical fibres in a cable under resistance to fire testing; German version EN 50582:2016
Prüfung des Übertragungsverhaltens von Lichtwellenleiterkabeln im Brandfall; Deutsche Fassung EN 50582:2016
This European Standard contains details on the point of failure, resistance, test agreement, samples, test methods and the test report for optical fibre cables tested according to EN 50200. The standard also contains the test plan for the cable test. The standard thus offers investment security for manufacturers and users and provides test laboratories and manufacturers with defined information on testing. The responsible committee is DKE/UK 412.6 "Lichtwellenleiter und Lichtwellenkabel" ("Optical fibres and fibre cables") of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) at DIN and VDE.