DIN EN 13100-1
Non destructive testing of welded joints of thermoplastics semi-finished products - Part 1: Visual examination; German version EN 13100-1:2017
Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung von Schweißverbindungen an Halbzeugen aus thermoplastischen Kunststoffen - Teil 1: Sichtprüfung; Deutsche Fassung EN 13100-1:2017
This European Standard covers the visual examination of welds in thermoplastic materials. It may also be applied to visual testing of the joint prior to and during the welding. Working Committee NA 092-00-32 AA "Fügen von Kunststoffen" ("Joining of plastics") at DIN Standards Committee Welding and allied processes (NAS) is responsible for this standard.
Responsible national committee
NA 092-00-32 AA - Joining of plastics