DIN 55402-2
Packaging - Marking for shipping of packages - Part 2: Directive for export packaging
Verpackung - Markierung für den Versand von Packstücken - Teil 2: Richtlinie für Exportverpackung
This standard applies to the marking of packages to be shipped and/or products ready for shipment (hereinafter also referred to as packages). This standard specifies markings of packages. The standard does not apply to advertisements and indications that are regulated by regulations of the modes of transport (for example postal services, railroads) and countries. This document has been prepared by Working Committee NA 115-01-03 AA "Markierung" ("Marking") at DIN Standards Committee Packaging (NAVp). DIN 55402-1 was withdrawn in August 2012. DIN EN ISO 780 may be used for this purpose. This standard corresponds to ECE Recommendation 15 "Simpler shipping marks" of November 1991.