DIN 55524-2
Packaging - Attributes - Part 2: Attributes for packaging made of solid fibreboard
Verpackung - Qualitätsmerkmale - Teil 2: Qualitätsmerkmale für Verpackungen aus Vollpappe
This standard contains a list of quality characteristics that relate specifically to solid board packaging and are summarized and structured in characteristic groups. It serves as a general basis and aid for agreements of individual contractual sales and purchasing conditions in the entire packaging sector. This standard specifies quality characteristics that are essential for the assessment of solid board packaging and assigns corresponding test methods to them. This standard contains elements for establishing a classification. It does not contain any assignment of quality characteristics and error classes. This document has been prepared at Working Committee NA 115-02-07 AA "Schachteln aus Voll- und Wellpappe" ("Paper, paper board and board for packaging") at DIN Standards Committee Packaging (NAVp).
Document: references other documents
Responsible national committee
NA 115-02-07 AA - Paper, paper board and board for packaging