DIN 21530-4
Mine support - Part 4: Testing
Ausbau für den Bergbau - Teil 4: Prüfungen
The DIN 21530 series of standards regulates the quality assurance procedure for mine support used in underground mines to secure and keep open the mine workings required for operations. It can also be used for the lining of non-mining underground cavities. Observance of the standards is intended to ensure that the mine support functions as planned in terms of safety and operation, and to enable it to be used economically. This standard specifies the testing of support systems, mine support and support components that are based on the requirements specified in DIN 21530-3. In detail, this involves type, principle, performance, assembly and verification tests as well as quality monitoring of support parts and support systems in the uninstalled state. This standard has been prepared as part of the DIN 21530 series of standards "Mine support" by NA 005-05-23 AA "Bergbau; Streckenausbau" ("Mining; Roadway support") at DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering (NaBau).