DIN EN ISO 8781-1
Pigments and extenders - Methods of assessment of dispersion characteristics - Part 1: Assessment from the change in tinting strength of coloured pigments (ISO 8781-1:1990); German version EN ISO 8781-1:1995
Pigmente und Füllstoffe - Verfahren zur Beurteilung des Dispergierverhaltens - Teil 1: Bestimmung der Farbstärkeentwicklung von Buntpigmenten (ISO 8781-1:1990); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 8781-1:1995
Document: references other documents
Document: referenced in other documents
Responsible national committee
NA 078-00-07 AA - Pigments and extenders in coatings, plastics, paper and printing ink
Responsible european committee
CEN/TC 298 - Pigments and extenders