DIN 6701-2
Adhesive bonding of railway vehicles and parts - Part 2: Qualification of manufacturer of adhesive bonded materials
Kleben von Schienenfahrzeugen und -fahrzeugteilen - Teil 2: Qualifikation der Anwenderbetriebe
This standard has been prepared by NA 087-00-12 AA "Werkstoffe, Füge- und Verbindungstechnik" ("Materials and joining techniques") at DIN Standards Committee Railway (FSF). Adhesive bonding is a process essential to the production of railway vehicles and their components. The standards of the DIN 6701 series contain the necessary specifications for the special bonding process. These specifications are based on the basic section standards for adhesive technology, taking into account the special requirements of railway vehicle manufacturing. DIN 6701 "Adhesive bonding of railway vehicles and parts" consists of: Part 1: Basic terms, basic rules; Part 2 Qualification of manufacturer of adhesive bonded materials; Part 3 Guideline for construction design and verification of bonds on railway vehicles; Part 4 Manufacturing controls and quality assurance.