DIN EN ISO 24817
Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries - Composite repairs for pipework - Qualification and design, installation, testing and inspection (ISO 24817:2015); English version EN ISO 24817:2015
Erdöl-, petrochemische und Erdgasindustrie - Reparatur von Rohrleitungen mit Verbundwerkstoffen - Bewertung und Ausführung, Montage, Test und Inspektion (ISO 24817:2015); Englische Fassung EN ISO 24817:2015
This International Standard gives requirements and recommendations for the qualification and design, installation, testing and inspection for the external application of composite repair systems to corroded or damaged pipework, pipelines, tanks and vessels used in the petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries. For Germany the participating committee is Working Group NA 109-00-01-06 AK "Verfahrenstechnische Anlagen und Ausrüstungen" ("Processing equipment and systems") at DIN Standards Committee Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries (NÖG).
Document: references other documents
Responsible national committee
Responsible european committee
CEN/TC 12 - Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy.