DIN EN 49-2
Wood preservatives - Determination of the protective effectiveness against Anobium punctatum (De Geer) by egg-laying and larval survival - Part 2: Application by impregnation (Laboratory method); German version EN 49-2:2015
Holzschutzmittel - Bestimmung der vorbeugenden Wirkung gegenüber Anobium punctatum (De Geer) durch Beobachten der Eiablage und des Überlebens von Larven - Teil 2: Anwendung durch Volltränkung (Laboratoriumsverfahren); Deutsche Fassung EN 49-2:2015
This European Standard specifies a method for the determination of the protective effectiveness or the toxic values of a wood preservative against Anobium punctatum (De Geer) by egg-laying and larval survival in wood which has been treated previously by full impregnation. It allows for determination of the concentration at which a wood preservative prevents the development of the infestation originating from egg laying. In comparison with DIN EN 49-2:2005-06, a general description of materials used to prepare areas for egg laying and new harmonised specifications for wood quality have been included. This document has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 38 "Durability of wood and wood-based products", the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR (France). The responsible German standards committee is Working Committee NA 042-03-06 AA "Spiegelausschuss zu CEN/TC 38 und ISO/TC 165/SC 1 Dauerhaftigkeit von Holz und Holzprodukten" ("Mirror committee for CEN/TC 38 and ISO/TC 165/SC 1 Durability of wood and wood products") at DIN Standards Committee Timber and Furniture (NHM).
Document: references other documents
Responsible national committee
NA 042-03-06 AA - Mirror committee for CEN/TC 38 durability of wood and wood products