DIN 19695
Transport and storage of pipes, fittings and prefabricated manhole components made of concrete and steel reinforced concrete
Befördern und Lagern von Rohren, Formstücken und Schachtfertigteilen aus Beton und Stahlbeton
The standard applies to the transport and storage of pipes, fittings and prefabricated manhole components made of concrete and steel reinforced concrete used for waste and rain water discharge. The standard also applies analogously to drainage pipes according to DIN 4262-3 and manholes for well construction and drain construction according to DIN 4034-2. Particularly regarding these products, the standard includes requirements for loading and unloading, requirements for lifting and load handling devices as well as specifications for the securing of loads and storage on the building site. Normative references are made to additional accident prevention regulations and further technical guidelines to be observed. The committee responsible for this standard is NA 119-05-33 AA "Rohre und Schächte aus Beton für Abwasserkanäle und -leitungen (CEN/TC 165/WG 9)" ("Concrete pipes and manholes for drains and sewers (CEN/TC 165/WG 9)") at DIN Standards Committee Water Practice (NAW).
Document: references other documents
Responsible national committee
NA 119-05-33 AA - Concrete pipes and manholes for drains and sewers (CEN/TC 165/WG 9)