Steel and cast iron - Determination of copper - 2,2'-Biquinoline spectrophotometric method (ISO 4946:2016); German version EN ISO 4946:2016
Stahl und Gusseisen - Bestimmung des Kupferanteils - Spektrophotometrisches Verfahren mit 2,2'-Dichinolin (ISO 4946:2016); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 4946:2016
This International Standard specifies a spectrophotometric method for the determination of copper in steel and cast iron by 2,2'-biquinoline. The method is applicable to the determination of copper mass fraction in the range of 0,02 % and 5 %.In this revised edition, the specification of plotting the calibration graphs in 7.4.3 has been corrected. The previous edition of this standard is DIN EN 24946. The committee responsible for this standard is NA 021-00-30 AA "Analysenverfahren" ("Methods of chemical analysis") at DIN.
Document: references other documents
Responsible national committee
NA 021-00-30 AA - Methods of chemical analysis
Responsible european committee
Responsible international committee
ISO/TC 17/SC 1 - Methods of determination of chemical composition