DIN EN 131-2
Ladders - Part 2: Requirements, testing, marking; German version EN 131-2:2010+A2:2017
Leitern - Teil 2: Anforderungen, Prüfung, Kennzeichnung; Deutsche Fassung EN 131-2:2010+A2:2017
This European Standard specifies the general design features, requirements and test methods for portable ladders. Compared to DIN EN 131-2:2012-08, a classification for ladders for professional use and for non-professional use has been introduced. The classification is based on different requirements for strength and, in the case of stepladders, durability. The strength test is now carried out in the use position. To determine the durability of stepladders, the test method in accordance with DIN CEN/TS 16665 has been incorporated into the standard. In addition, tests to determine the slipping of the ladder on the ground and to determine the strength of lateral stabilizing devices and a torsion test for single ladders have been included. The DIN committee responsible for this standard is NA 042-04-20 AA "Spiegelausschuss zu CEN/TC 93 Leitern" ("Mirror Committee of CEN/TC 93 Ladders").
Document: references other documents
Responsible national committee
NA 042-04-20 AA - Mirror committee for CEN/TC 93 ladders