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Technical rule [CURRENT]

DIN SPEC 91324
E-mobility data set for an open service cloud for OEM and third-party services

Title (German)

Datensatz E-Mobilität für eine offene Service Cloud für OEM- und Drittanbieter-Services




This DIN SPEC has been prepared in the PAS procedure by a workshop (temporary committee). This DIN SPEC was developed and approved by the authors named in the foreword. This DIN SPEC contains a data set for an open service cloud serving for the development of OEM and third-party services in the field of E-mobility. With a multitude of heterogeneous users this DIN SPEC manages the prerequisite for the uniform collection and processing of data from various data sources.

Edition 2015-04
Original language German
Table of contents



Christian Goroncy

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2543
Fax: +49 30 2601-42543

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