DIN 51366
Testing of mineral oil hydrocarbons - Measurement of kinematic viscosity by means of the Cannon-Fenske viscometer for opaque liquids
Prüfung von Mineralöl-Kohlenwasserstoffen - Messung der kinematischen Viskosität mit dem Cannon-Fenske-Viskosimeter für undurchsichtige Flüssigkeiten
This document has been prepared by Working Committee NA 062-06-61 AA "Prüfverfahren für Schmieröle, sonstige Öle und Parrafine" ("Testing of lubricating oils, other oils and Paraffin") at Petroleum, Fuels, Lubricants and Related Products Standardization Committee (FAM) of the Materials Testing Standards Committee (NMP) at DIN. This document specifies a method to determine the kinematic viscosity of opaque Newtonian fluids ranging from 0,4 mm 2/s up to and including 20 000 mm 2/s with a flow time of more than 200 s.
Document: references other documents
Responsible national committee
NA 062-06-84 AA - Joint working group NA 062-06-42 AA/NA 062-06-61 AA