DIN EN 13445-3/A2
Unfired pressure vessels - Part 3: Design; German version EN 13445-3:2009/A2:2013
Unbefeuerte Druckbehälter - Teil 3: Konstruktion; Deutsche Fassung EN 13445-3:2009/A2:2013
This standard contains Amendment A2 to EN 13445-3:2009. 16.12 "Vertical vessels with skirts" has been revised and clause 22 "Statistic analysis of tall vertical vessels on skirts" has been added. The European Standard has been prepared by CEN/TC 54 "Unfired pressure vessels", the secretariat of which is held by BSI (United Kingdom). The responsible German committee is NA 012-00-05 AA "Unbefeuerte Druckbehälter" ("Unfired pressure vessels") at the Chemical Apparatus Engineering Standards Committee (FNCA).
Document: referenced in other documents
Responsible national committee
NA 178-01-01 AA - Unfired pressure vessels