DIN EN ISO 18365
Hydrometry - Selection, establishment and operation of a gauging station (ISO 18365:2013); German version EN ISO 18365:2013
Hydrometrie - Auswahl, Einrichtung und Betrieb einer Pegelstation (ISO 18365:2013); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 18365:2013
This standard provides guidance for the establishment and operation of a gauging station for the measurement of stage and/or discharge of a lake, reservoir, river or canal or other artificial open channel. It also describes how a gauging station utilizing one of the measurement methods listed should be operated and maintained. Requirements are provided for stage only measurement stations, stage-discharge stations and direct discharge measurement stations in natural channels, as well as for stage-discharge stations with artificial structures. Additionally, some recommendations are given for measurements under difficult conditions, such as under ice conditions. The body responsible for this standard is NA 119-06-10 AA "Hydrometrie (CEN/TC 318, ISO/TC 113)" ("Hydrometry (CEN/TC 318, ISO/TC 113)") at DIN.
Document: references other documents
Responsible national committee
NA 119-09-10 AA - Hydrometry (CEN/TC 318, ISO/TC 113)