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Technical Specification [CURRENT]

DIN CEN/TS 16629 ; DIN SPEC 18049:2014-11
Energy Performance of Buildings - Detailed Technical Rules for the set of EPB-standards; German version CEN/TS 16629:2014

Title (German)

Energieeffizienz von Gebäuden - Detaillierte technische Regeln für das EPB-Normenpaket; Deutsche Fassung CEN/TS 16629:2014




This Technical Specification has been prepared as a guidance for the revisions of and any future work on standards regarding the energy performance of buildings required in phase 2 under mandate M/480. The available tools to facilitate coordination and to ensure consistency and coherence of the standards covering the energy performance of buildings are the following: a) a Technical Specification regarding the principles to be observed when preparing standards on the energy performance of buildings; b) a Technical Specification regarding the detailed technical rules to be observed when preparing standards on the energy performance of buildings (this document); c) in addition, the following documents prepared by CEN/TC 371 are available: 1) a working draft for standards on the energy performance of buildings containing reference to applicable rules as reminders in relevant clauses; 2) a working draft for Technical Reports regarding the directive on the energy performance of buildings which have to accompany each standard associated with this directive; 3) a working draft for the preparation of table sheets to be used for demonstrating the correctness of standardized calculation methods. Any work on (planned) standards on the energy performance of buildings follows the principles and detailed technical rules and makes references to the overarching standard (FprEN 15603) for the European Directive on the energy performance of buildings. This Technical Specification provides guidance in the form of detailed technical rules based on the principles for both the overarching standard and each part in the standard series on the energy performance of buildings. These detailed technical rules provide practical guidelines for the following issues regarding standards on the energy performance of buildings: - the standardization process including collaboration and consultation; - the respective scope of the standards; - the shared general layout of all these standards and their national implementation; - the framework for the assessment of energy use; - the model(s) and editorial rules shared by all these standards; - quality aspects common to all those standards. The responsible committee for this document is NA 005-12-01 GA "Gemeinschaftsarbeitsausschuss NABau/FNL/NHRS: Energetische Bewertung von Gebäuden (SpA CEN/TC 371, CEN/TC 371/WG 1, ISO/TC 163/WG 3, ISO/TC 163/WG 4 und ISO/TC 163/SC 2/WG 14)" ("Joint working committee NABau/FNL/NHRS: Energy efficiency of buildings (national mirror committee for CEN/TC 371, CEN/TC 371/WG 1, ISO/TC 163/WG 3, ISO/TC 163/WG 4, ISO/TC 163/SC 2/WG 14)") at DIN.

Document: references other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 005-12-01 GA - Joint working committee NABau/FNL/NHRS: Energy efficiency of buildings (national mirror committee for CEN/TC 371, CEN/TC 371/WG 1, CEN/TC 371/WG 2, CEN/TC 371/WG 3, CEN/TC 371/WG 4, CEN/TC 371/WG 5, ISO/TC 163/WG 4 und ISO/TC 163/SC 2/WG 15)  

Responsible european committee

CEN/TC 371/WG 1 - EPBD Standards group  

Edition 2014-11
Original language German
Price from 97.00 €
Table of contents


Anne Lina Wehrle

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2478
Fax: +49 30 2601-42478

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