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Standards [CURRENT]

DIN 14961
Boats for fire-brigade

Title (German)

Boote für die Feuerwehr


This standard is applicable for boats of the fire brigade with a maximum length of hull of 8 m used in a temperature range between -15 °C and +60 °C and according to the design category D and C of the EU Directive 94/25/EC (including amendments) relating to recreational craft. The boats are used by the fire-brigade during the execution of rescue operations and technical assistances. Moreover, the boats - when equipped correspondingly - are used for fire extinguishing activities. In order to be able to use boats for the fire-brigade in a safe and successful manner, the standard includes specifications necessary for this purpose on dimensions, mass, designation, design requirements, safety-compliant variants of inflatable and semi-rigid boats as well as solid boats, slip resistance, material, service temperatures, floatability, resistance to capsizing, loading aids, towing equipment, control station, the electric installation and fuel system, wear protection, storage, transport, colouration and marking, type plate, graphical symbols and operating instructions, the confirmation or acceptance test and the boat-specific equipment and fire-brigade-specific cargo. Furthermore, additional requirements for lifeboats RTB and multi-purpose boats MZB are included. With respect to the previous editions DIN 14961:2001-03 and DIN 14961/A1:2004-01, the following significant modifications have been made: a) scope has been limited to boats with a maximum length of hull of 8 m; b) the lowest service temperature has been modified to -15 °C; c) dimensions and masses have been completely revised; d) requirements for safe seating at all achievable speeds have been included; e) the requirement that a safety quick-stop shall be provided for boats with a motor-powered mechanism has been included; f) minimum mass for obtaining dimensional stability has been increased to 110 kg; g) specified positive operating pressure in bar shall be provided at each filling valve; h) for RTB in the inflatable boat variant a circumferential tether for securing the crew which is handy from both the interior and exterior has been included; i) requirements regarding towing equipment and for easing have been included; j) requirements for the electric installation and the fuel system have been revised; k) colouration and marking have been slightly modified and no longer only relate to the fire-brigade; l) additional requirements for lifeboats RTB and multi-purpose boats MZB have been completely revised; m) for the boat-specific equipment a rescue board with at least three lashing straps for fixing patients has been included as required cargo; n) normative references have been completely revised; o) bibliography has been significantly expanded; p) the content has been completely revised editorially. The committee responsible for this standard is NA 031-04-07 AA "Sonstige Fahrzeuge" ("Other vehicles") at DIN.

Document: references other documents

Document: referenced in other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 031-04-07 AA - Other vehicles  

Edition 2013-04
Original language German
Price from 80.20 €
Table of contents



Michael Behrens

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2340
Fax: +49 30 2601-42340

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