DIN EN 16055
Leather - Raw bovine hides and skins - Description, presentation and preservation; German version EN 16055:2012
Leder - Rohe Rinderhäute und Kalbfelle - Beschreibung, Darstellung, Konservierung; Deutsche Fassung EN 16055:2012
This standard establishes the following for raw bovine hides and skins intended for the manufacture of leather: - terms and definitions; - rules for presenting raw hides and skins. The standard applies to fresh and cured bovine hides and skins. It is not the aim of this standard to interfere with the normal commercial agreement between the buyer and the hide and skin supplier. This standard may be used in case of disagreement between the two parties. This document (EN 16055:2012) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 289 "Leather", the secretariat of which is held by UNI (Italy). The responsible German committee is NA 062-05-51 AA "Anforderungen und physikalische Prüfverfahren für Leder und seine Ausgangsprodukte" ("Requirements and physical test methods of leather and ...") at the Materials Testing Standards Committee (NMP) at DIN. This standard differs from DIN EN 16055:2012-04 as follows: a) a number of corrections have been made to the German text.
Responsible national committee
NA 062-05-51 AA - Requirements and physical test methods of leather and ....