DIN 19673
Soil quality - Graphical presentation of pedological examination results
Bodenbeschaffenheit - Zeichnerische Darstellung bodenkundlicher Untersuchungsergebnisse
This standard applies for the uniform and clear graphic presentation of a pedological sampling technique. For this purpose, this standard specifies signatures, symbols, signs as well as short forms and their arrangements. The basic terms for the qualitative measurement results and for quantitative description of pedological phenomena as well as rules for differentiated representation of existing interrelations within the existing solid are dealt with. The aim of this document is not to overload the graphics by using proven, memorable and as few symbols as possible and to provide the reader with a quick overview of basic pedological results, also by comparison of several profile descriptions, and to clearly display the most important characteristics. This standard has been prepared by Committee NA 119-01-02-03 UA "Standortbeurteilung" ("Site assessment") at the Water Practice Standards Committee (NAW).
Document: references other documents
Document: referenced in other documents
Responsible national committee
NA 119-08-03 AA - Site assessment, waste disposal, site rehabilitation