DIN 21187
Shaft sinking - Chain suspension gears for load hoisting in shafts
Schachtbau - Kettengehänge zum Fördern von Lasten in Schächten
Chain suspensions in accordance with this standard are used for load hoisting in shafts. When loads fall due to failure and/or incorrect use and handling of slings or their components, a direct danger is caused to the body or health of persons found in the hazardous areas of lifting operations. This is applicable due to the great drop height, particularly in mining shafts. For this reason, chain suspensions in accordance with this standard shall possess at least a 10-fold safety with respect to tensile strength. The geometric and technical parameters are specified for each of the 5 load levels (1 t to 8 t). Information about the marking of the chain suspensions and about the proof of delivery for the individual components by test certificates is also included in the standard. The standard has been prepared by Working Committee NA 008-01-01 AA "Schachtbau" ("Shaft sinking") at the Mining Standards Committee (FABERG).