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Standards [CURRENT]

DIN EN 61124
Reliability testing - Compliance tests for constant failure rate and constant failure intensity (IEC 61124:2012); German version EN 61124:2012

Title (German)

Prüfungen der Funktionsfähigkeit - Prüfpläne für konstante Ausfallrate und konstante Ausfalldichte (IEC 61124:2012); Deutsche Fassung EN 61124:2012


This International Standard contains a series of optimized test plans, the corresponding operating characteristics and expected test times. In addition, the algorithms for designing test plans using a spreadsheet program are given, together with guidance on how to choose test plans. This standard contains procedures to test whether an observed value of - failure rate, - failure intensity, - mean time to failure (MTTF), - mean operating time between failures (MTBF), conforms to a given requirement. It is assumed, except where otherwise stated, that during the accumulated test time, the times to failure or the operating times between failures are independent and identically exponentially distributed. This assumption implies that the failure rate or failure intensity is constant. Test plans are provided for the following four types of test: - truncated sequential tests, - time/failure terminated tests, - fixed calendar time terminated tests without replacement, - combined test plans. This standard does not cover guidance on how to plan, perform, analyse and report a test. This information can be found in standard IEC 60300-3-5. The standard also does not describe test conditions. This information can be found in the standards IEC 60505-2 and in IEC 60300-3-5. The responsible committee is DKE/K 132 "Zuverlässigkeit" ("Reliability") of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) at DIN and VDE.

Document: references other documents

Responsible national committee

DKE/K 132 - Zuverlässigkeit  

Edition 2013-01
Original language German
Price from 327.70 €
Table of contents


Rudolf Brandner

Merianstr. 28
63069 Offenbach am Main

Tel.: +49 69 6308-390
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