DIN EN 45545-1
Railway applications - Fire protection on railway vehicles - Part 1: General; German version EN 45545-1:2013
Bahnanwendungen - Brandschutz in Schienenfahrzeugen - Teil 1: Allgemeine Regeln; Deutsche Fassung EN 45545-1:2013
Technical Specification (TS) 45545 on fire protection on railway vehicles was published in 7 parts at the beginning of 2009. During the previous standard enquiry, gaps in the content in some parts were, however, identified. The submitted comments on the individual parts were to some extent contradictory and could not be resolved on a short-term basis. In order to ensure the previous results it was agreed to prepare the TS with the stipulation of continuing work on the revision with the aim of producing a European Standard. This document represents the completion of the standardization process started in 2010. In using the Operation and Design Categories defined in this part, the requirements laid down in the different parts of EN 45545 will take into account the current operating conditions for European public rail transport.