DIN EN 61341
Method of measurement of centre beam intensity and beam angle(s) of reflector lamps (IEC/TR 61341:2010); German version EN 61341:2011
Verfahren zur Messung der Lichtstärke in Hauptausstrahlungsrichtung und des (der) Ausstrahlwinkel(s) von Reflektorlampen (IEC/TR 61341:2010); Deutsche Fassung EN 61341:2011
While the light output of lamps is normally characterized by the luminous flux, for reflector lamps it is characterized by the centre beam intensity together with the beam angle(s). The European Standard DIN EN 61341 gives guidance with regard to the measurement and interpretation of these two basic characteristics of reflector lamps in order to allow the comparability of reported values. The adopted principles may help to classify lamps into beam angle groups; they are not intended for the assessment of individual lamps. For additional information, the reader is referred to the CIE Technical Report No 43, describing the photometric characteristics of floodlight luminaires. This European Standard describes the method of measuring and specifying the centre beam intensity and the associated beam angle(s) of reflector lamps. It applies to incandescent, tungsten halogen and gas-discharge and LED based reflector lamps for general lighting purposes. It does not apply to lamps for special purposes such as projection lamps. These recommendations relate to design testing of lamps only. The responsible committee is Subcommittee UK 521.1 "Elektrische Lampen" ("Electric lamps") of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) at DIN and VDE.