DIN EN 62109-2
; VDE 0126-14-2:2012-04
Safety of power converters for use in photovoltaic power systems - Part 2: Particular requirements for inverters (IEC 62109-2:2011); German version EN 62109-2:2011
Sicherheit von Leistungsumrichtern zur Anwendung in photovoltaischen Energiesystemen - Teil 2: Besondere Anforderungen an Wechselrichter (IEC 62109-2:2011); Deutsche Fassung EN 62109-2:2011
This Part 2 of IEC 62109 contains requirements for grid-interactive and stand-alone inverters. This equipment has potentially hazardous input sources and output circuits, internal components, and features and functions, which demand different requirements for safety than those given in Part 1 (IEC 62109-1:2010). It covers the particular safety requirements relevant to d.c. to a.c. inverter products (inverters) as well as products that have or perform inverter functions in addition to other functions, where the inverter is intended for use in photovoltaic power systems. Inverters covered by this standard may be grid-interactive inverters, stand-alone inverters, or multiple mode inverters, may be supplied by single or multiple photovoltaic modules grouped in various array configurations, and may be intended for use in conjunction with batteries or other forms of energy storage. Inverters with multiple functions or modes shall be judged against all applicable requirements for each of those functions or modes. This standard does not address grid interconnection requirements for grid-interactive inverters. This standard does contain safety requirements specific to grid-interactive inverters that are similar to the safety aspects of some existing national grid interconnection standards. Users of this standard should be aware that in most jurisdictions allowing grid interconnection of inverters there are national or local requirements that must be met. The responsible committee is K 373 "Photovoltaische Solarenergie-Systeme" ("Solar photovoltaic energy systems") of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) at DIN and VDE.