; DIN SPEC 10052:2013-08
Microbiology of food and animal feed - Horizontal method for the detection, enumeration and serotyping of Salmonella - Part 2: Enumeration by a miniaturized most probable number technique (ISO/TS 6579-2:2012); German version CEN ISO/TS 6579-2:2012
Mikrobiologie von Lebensmitteln und Futtermitteln - Horizontales Verfahren zum Nachweis, zur Zählung und zur Serotypisierung von Salmonellen - Teil 2: Zählung unter Anwendung eines miniaturisierten Verfahrens der wahrscheinlichsten Keimzahl (ISO/TS 6579-2:2012); Deutsche Fassung CEN ISO/TS 6579-2:2012
This document specifies a method for the enumeration of Salmonella spp. present in: - products intended for human consumption and for the feeding of animals; - environmental samples in the area of food production and food handling; - animal faeces; - environmental samples from the primary production stage; by calculation of the most probable number (MPN). The method is based on miniaturization of the dilution, pre-enrichment and selective enrichment steps. The selective enrichment medium, modified semi-solid Rappaport-Vassiliadis (MSRV), is intended for the detection of motile salmonellae and is not appropriate for the detection of non-motile salmonellae. It is possible that the method is less appropriate to enumerate Salmonella ser. Typhi and Salmonella ser. Paratyphi. The method is not appropriate for the enumeration of Salmonella spp. in (very) low contaminated samples (< 1 cfu/g). The method serves for health-related consumer protection. The committee responsible for this standard is Working Committee NA 057-01-06 AA "Mikrobiologische Lebensmitteluntersuchung einschließlich Schnellverfahren" ("Microbiological analysis of foodstuffs including rapid method") at DIN.
Document: references other documents
Responsible national committee
NA 057-01-06 AA - Microbiology of the food chain
Responsible european committee
CEN/TC 463 - Microbiology of the food chain