DIN EN 61853-1
; VDE 0126-34-1:2011-12
Photovoltaic (PV) module performance testing and energy rating - Part 1: Irradiance and temperature performance measurements and power rating (IEC 61853-1:2011); German version EN 61853-1:2011
Prüfung des Leistungsverhaltens von photovoltaischen (PV-)Modulen und Energiebemessung - Teil 1: Leistungsmessung in Bezug auf Bestrahlungsstärke und Temperatur sowie Leistungsbemessung (IEC 61853-1:2011); Deutsche Fassung EN 61853-1:2011
This part of IEC 61853 describes requirements for evaluating PV module performance in terms of power (watts) rating over a range of irradiances and temperatures. IEC 61853-2 describes test procedures for measuring the performance effect of angle of incidence, the estimation of module temperature from irradiance, ambient temperature and wind speed, and impact of spectral response on energy production. IEC 61853-3 describes the calculations of PV module energy (watt-hours) ratings. IEC 61853-4 describes the standard time periods and weather conditions that can be utilized for calculating standardized energy ratings. The purpose of this part of IEC 61853 is to define a testing and rating system, which provides the PV module power (watts) at maximum power operation for a set of defined conditions. A second purpose is to provide a full set of characterization parameters for the module under various values of irradiance and temperature. This set of measurements is required in order to perform the module energy rating described in IEC 61853-3. The responsible committee is K 373 "Photovoltaische Solarenergie-Systeme" ("Solar photovoltaic energy systems") of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) at DIN and VDE.