DIN EN 12101-8
Smoke and heat control systems - Part 8: Smoke control dampers; German version EN 12101-8:2011
Rauch- und Wärmefreihaltung - Teil 8: Entrauchungsklappen; Deutsche Fassung EN 12101-8:2011
This European Standard applies to smoke control dampers, placed on the market and intended to operate as part of a pressure differential system or smoke and heat control system. This standard specifies requirements and gives reference to the test methods defined for smoke control dampers and their associated components, such as actuators which are intended to be installed in such systems in buildings. It also provides for the evaluation of conformity of these products to the requirements of this standard; furthermore, provision on marking and information on installation and maintenance of these products are given. This European Standard contains the basic performance and requirements for smoke control dampers that are to be used in conjunction with pressure differential systems and smoke and heat control systems. These smoke control dampers can also be used to pressurise when gas extinguishing systems are used. Particular reference is required to EN 1366-10, which defines the furnace testing associated with these products and EN 13501-4, which provides details on their fire resistance classification. In addition to the prevention of transmission of smoke and combustion products from a fire zone, smoke control dampers are utilised to contain the spillage of harmful and toxic extinguishing gases from the affected area, and for the control of pressurising and excess air relief within pressurisation systems. Smoke control systems are designed to fulfil the following basic functions. These are: a) the extraction of smoke from a single fire compartment to the outside of the building; b) the extraction of smoke from fire compartments of a building, using a smoke and heat exhaust ventilation system (SHEVS) connected to one or more fire compartment(s). The smoke control system duct may or may not pass through other compartments of the building to reach the outside of the building; c) the use of pressurisation to maintain smoke free clear areas. Smoke control dampers are commonly used in smoke and heat control systems as a means of limiting the number of ducts and high temperature fan units. The ducts into which such smoke control dampers are fitted generally serve a number of different fire compartments. The systems may be dedicated to smoke extraction or possibly a combined environmental ventilation/smoke extraction. The committee responsible for this standard is NA 005-52-32 AA "Rauch- und Wärmefreihaltung (Spiegelausschuss von CEN/TC 191/SC 1 und ISO/TC 21/SC 11 sowie zu Teilbereichen von CEN/TC 127/WG 7)" ("Smoke and heat control systems (Mirror Committee of CEN/TC 191/SC 1 and ISO/TC 21/SC 11 and of parts of CEN/TC 127/WG 7)") at DIN.