DIN 25407-2
Shielding walls against ionizing radiation - Part 2: Special construction elements for lead shielding walls
Abschirmwände gegen ionisierende Strahlung - Teil 2: Spezielle Bauelemente für Abschirmwände aus Blei
This document shall be applied to closed shielding devices against ionizing radiation (hot cells), which enable, together with the lead bricks according to DIN 25407-1 and the functional elements according to this document, composition of complete shielding for hot cells in beta-gamma technique (see DIN 25407-3) according to the modular system. Examples for the design of workplaces by using construction elements according to this document are given in the supplement to DIN 25407. Using this document shall facilitate configuration and construction of hot cells with lead shielding walls and interchangeability of individual construction elements. The Committee responsible for this standard is NA 062-07-62 AA "Strahlenschutzeinrichtungen" ("Radiation protection") at DIN.