DIN 2459
Inseparable elastomer sealed connectors made of metal for metallic pipes for use in drinking water system installation - General requirements and test methods
Unlösbare elastomergedichtete Verbinder aus Metall für metallene Rohrleitungen in der Trinkwasserinstallation - Allgemeine Anforderungen und Prüfverfahren
This standard applies to inseparable connectors made of metal (for example, pressfittings) and for elastomer sealing elements used in drinking water system installations. A connector corresponds to this standard if the requirements for materials (metals, elastomers), the connection (for example, leaktightness) and the hygiene regulations for potable water stated in this standard are met. This standard has been prepared at the Piping and Boiler Plant Standards Committee (NARD), Working Committee NA 082-00-10 AA "Fittings" ("Fittings").