DIN EN 16007
Animal feeding stuffs - Determination of Ochratoxin A in animal feed by immunoaffinity column clean-up and High Performance Liquid Chromatography with fluorescence detection; German version EN 16007:2011
Futtermittel - Bestimmung von Ochratoxin A in Tierfutter durch Reinigung an einer Immunoaffinitätssäule und Hochleistungs-Flüssig-Chromatographie mit Fluoreszenzdetektion; Deutsche Fassung EN 16007:2011
DIN EN 16007 specifies a method for the determination of Ochratoxin A (OTA) in cereal based animal feed using immunoaffinity for clean-up followed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detection. The validated mass fraction range was 39 µg/kg to 338 µg/kg OTA. OTA is extracted from the test material with a mixture of methanol -3 % aqueous sodium bicarbonate solution. The extract is filtered, diluted with PBS and purified using immunoaffinity columns (IAC). The purified OTA is eluted from the IAC using first methanol and then water, brought to a defined volume with water and quantified by HPLC with fluorescence detection.
The European Standard has been prepared by CEN/TC 327 "Animal feeding stuffs - Methods of sampling and analysis", the secretariat of which is held by NEN (Netherlands). The collaboration of DIN for the field of responsibility of CEN/TC 327 is performed through national Mirror Committee, Working Committee NA 057-03-03 AA "Futtermittel" ("Animal feeding stuffs") of NAL.
Document: references other documents
Responsible national committee
NA 057-03-03 AA - Animal feeding stuffs