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Standards [CURRENT]

DIN EN ISO 15186-3
Acoustics - Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements using sound intensity - Part 3: Laboratory measurements at low frequencies (ISO 15186-3:2002); German version EN ISO 15186-3:2010

Title (German)

Akustik - Bestimmung der Schalldämmung in Gebäuden und von Bauteilen aus Schallintensitätsmessungen - Teil 3: Messungen bei niedrigen Frequenzen im Prüfstand (ISO 15186-3:2002); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 15186-3:2010


ISO 15186-3 specifies a sound intensity method to determine the sound reduction index and the element-normalized level difference of building elements at low frequencies. This method has significantly better reproducibility in a typical test facility than those of ISO 140-3, ISO 140-10 and ISO 15186-1. The results are more independent of the room dimensions of the laboratory and closer to values that would be measured between rooms of volume greater than 300 m3. This part of ISO 15186 is applicable in the frequency range 50 Hz to 160 Hz but is mainly intended for the frequency range 50 Hz to 80 Hz. For elements faced with thick, porous absorbers, the recommended frequency range is to 50 Hz to 80 Hz. The main differences between the methods of ISO 15186-1 and ISO 15186-3 are that in ISO 15186-3 the sound pressure level of the source room is measured close to the surface of the test specimen, and the surface opposite the test specimen in the receiving room is highly absorbing and converts the room acoustically into a duct with several propagating cross-modes above the lowest cut-on frequency. The results found by the method of ISO 15186-3 can be combined with those of ISO 140-3 and ISO 15186-1 to produce data in the frequency range 50 Hz to 5 000 Hz. This test standard is directed at manufacturers of building acoustic test stands. The Committee responsible for this standard is NA 062-02-31 AA "Schalldämmung und Schallabsorption, Messung und Bewertung" ("Sound reduction and sound absorption, measurement and evaluation") at DIN.

Document: references other documents

Document: referenced in other documents

Responsible national committee

NA 062-02-31 AA - Sound reduction and sound absorption; Measurement and evaluation  

Responsible european committee

CEN/TC 126 - Acoustic properties of building elements and of buildings  

Responsible international committee

ISO/TC 43/SC 2 - Building acoustics  

Edition 2010-12
Original language German
Translation English
Price from 80.20 €
Table of contents


Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

Janine Winkler

Am DIN-Platz, Burggrafenstr. 6
10787 Berlin

Tel.: +49 30 2601-2226
Fax: +49 30 2601-42226

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