DIN 6113-6
Packaging - Radio-frequency identifcation of rigid industrial packaging, positioning and system parameters for passive RFID chips - Part 6: Removable head (open head) plastics drum without plug/bung closure system of nominal capacity exceeding 200 l
Verpackung - Elektronische Identifikation von starren Industrieverpackungen, Positionierung und Systemparameter für passive RFID-Chips - Teil 6: Kunststoffdeckelfass ohne Spund mit einem Nennvolumen größer als 200 l
The DIN 6113 standard series "Packaging - Radio-frequency identification of rigid industrial packaging, positioning and system parameters for passive RFID chips" consists of the following parts: - Part 1: General - Part 2: Non-removable head (tight head) steel drum and removable head (open head) steel drum with plug/bung closure system of total capacity exceeding 200 l) - Part 3: Removable head (open head) steel drum without plug/bung closure system of total capacity exceeding 200 l - Part 4: Fibreboard drum of nominal capacity up to 250 l - Part 5: Non-removable head (tight head) plastics drum and removable head (open head) plastics drum with plug/bung closure system of nominal capacity exceeding 200 l - Part 6: Removable head (open head) plastics drum without plug/bung closure system of nominal capacity exceeding 200 l - Part 7: Composite intermediate bulk container (IBC). Part 1 specifies the positioning of RFID chips (data carriers) on rigid industrial packaging as well as their technical specifications. Part 2 contains information about the positioning of RFID chips on non-removable head (tight head) steel drums and removable head (open head) steel drums with plug/bung closure systems of total capacities exceeding 200 l in accordance with DIN EN ISO 15750-1 and DIN EN ISO 15750-2. Part 3 specifies the positioning of RFID chips on removable head (open head) steel drums without plug/bung closure systems of total capacities exceeding 200 l in accordance with DIN EN ISO 15750-1. Part 4 deals with the positioning of RFID chips on fibreboard drums of nominal capacities up to 250 l in accordance with DIN 6141 and DIN EN 12710. Part 5 specifies the positioning of RFID chips on non-removable head (tight head) plastics drums and removable head (open head) plastics drums with plug/bung closure systems of nominal capacities exceeding 200 l in accordance with DIN EN ISO 20848-1 or DIN EN ISO 20848-2. Part 6 refers to the positioning of RFID chips on removable head (open head) plastics drums without plug/bung closure systems of nominal capacities exceeding 200 l in accordance with DIN EN ISO 20848-1. Part 7 gives information about the positioning of RFID chips on composite intermediate bulk containers (IBC) in accordance with DIN 30828. The technical requirements are described in DIN 6113-1. The standards have been prepared by Working Committee NA 115-02-03 AA "Spund- und Deckelbehältnisse" ("Plug and bung closure systems") or Working Group NA 115-02-03-01 AK "RFID auf starren Industrieverpackungen größer als 60 l" ("RFID on rigid industrial packaging with a capacity exceeding 60 l").
Document: references other documents
Responsible national committee
NA 115-02-03-01 AK - RFID on rigid industrial packaging exceeding 60 litres