DIN EN 62047-6
Semiconductor devices - Micro-electromechanical devices - Part 6: Axial fatigue testing methods of thin film materials (IEC 62047-6:2009); German version EN 62047-6:2010
Halbleiterbauelemente - Bauelemente der Mikrosystemtechnik - Teil 6: Prüfverfahren zur uniaxialen Dauerschwingfestigkeit von Dünnschicht-Werkstoffen (IEC 62047-6:2009); Deutsche Fassung EN 62047-6:2010
The main structural materials for MEMS, micromachines, and so on, have special features, such as typical dimensions of a few microns, material fabrication by deposition, and test piece fabrication by means of non-mechanical machining, including photolithography. This document specifies a uniaxial fatigue strength testing method for micro-sized flat specimens, by which it is possible to ensure an accuracy which corresponds to these special features. The tests are carried out at room temperatures, in air, with loading applied to the test piece along the longitudinal axis. This document specifies a testing method for the determination of the uniaxial fatigue strength under tensile-tensile load of thin film materials with a length and width under 1 mm and a thickness in the range between 0,1 µm and 10 µm, under constant load amplitude or constant displacement amplitude. Thin films are used as main structural materials to produce MEMS and micromachines. The responsible Committee is K 631 "Halbleiterbauelemente" ("Semiconductor devices") of the DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) at DIN and VDE.