DIN EN ISO 13624-1
Petroleum and natural gas industries - Drilling and production equipment - Part 1: Design and operation of marine drilling riser equipment (ISO 13624-1:2009); English version EN ISO 13624-1:2009
Erdöl- und Erdgasindustrie - Bohr- und Förderanlagen - Teil 1: Auslegung und Betrieb von Bohrförderanlagen auf See (ISO 13624-1:2009); Englische Fassung EN ISO 13624-1:2009
ISO 13624-1 pertains to the design, selection, operation and maintenance of marine riser systems for floating drilling operations for the exploration of oil and natural gas. At DIN the Committee responsible for this standard is NA 109-00-01-04 AK "Bohr- und Fördereinrichtungen - Spiegelausschuss zu ISO/TC 67/SC 4" ("Drilling and production equipment - Mirror Committee of ISO/TC 67/SC 4").
Document: references other documents
Document: referenced in other documents
Responsible national committee
Responsible european committee
CEN/TC 12 - Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy.