DIN EN 15723
Railway applications - Closing and locking devices for payload protecting devices against environmental influences - Requirements for durability, operation, indication, maintenance, recycling; German version EN 15723:2010
Bahnanwendungen - Verschluss- und Sicherungsteile von Ladegutschutzeinrichtungen gegen Umwelteinflüsse - Anforderungen an Festigkeit, Bedienbarkeit, Kennzeichnung, Instandhaltung, Entsorgung; Deutsche Fassung EN 15723:2010
To achieve an undisturbed, reliable and safe operation of freight trains it is essential to define common requirements for closing and locking devices of protecting devices with respect to for instance structural requirements, operating characteristics, way of operation, maintenance as well as handling. This standard applies to new and upgraded freight wagons where an approval is required. These protecting devices are classified into two types of load and this standard defines the requirements for the durability of the closing and locking devices, their status indication, maintenance and recycling. This standard also defines pass-fail criteria for the dimensioning tests. This standard is related to the directives on interoperability and meets their basic requirements.
Document: references other documents
Responsible national committee
NA 087-00-10 AA - Freight vehicles