The logistic sector is a highly dynamic sector enjoying above-average growth. As such, it is tremendously important to the German economy.

Standards promote competitiveness
The way an internationally competitive framework is shaped plays a crucial role in this regard. DIN can make an essential contribution here. This is because norms and standards are an important factor allowing knowledge and innovation to spread more rapidly, thereby boosting the competitiveness of the German economy. Thanks to improved compatibility, transparency and cost reduction, they promote the exchange of goods and services while clearing obstacles to trade.
Especially in complex economic systems and in times of networked products, the need for standardisation is unceasing. A market survey on standardisation potentials and needs in the logistics sector conducted in 2010 revealed that 95 % of those questioned would like greater standardisation in logistics. 70 % of participants regarded DIN as a key driving force behind standardisation.
DIN: Your service provider for standardisation
For us as a national standardisation organisation, this is a task meriting further action. Norms and standards are an effective instrument, especially when it comes to implementing research results in marketable products and services faster and more easily and opening up rapid market access for innovations.
We believe in the immense innovation potential within the cross-sectional field of logistics and wish to spur on the development of new technologies in this sphere. We have many years of experience in accompany innovative projects and developing norms and standards as part of research projects, thus making us an ideal partner for research and development.
Make the most of your opportunities - set standards!