Here is a selection of various standards and specifications relevant to the Circular Economy.
DIN SPEC 6745 "Paper, board and pulps - Recycling - Determination of stickies and non-tacky contaminants in recycled pulps and papers applying near-infrared measurement” will establish a test method for determining adhesive impurities directly on a laboratory sheet or a paper sheet using near infrared measurement techniques. It is applicable for recycled pulps and recycled paper.
DIN SPEC 4866 “Sustainable dismantling, disassembly, recycling and recovery of wind turbines” lays down requirements for the preparation and dismantling, and recycling of wind turbines taking into consideration cost aspects and environmental and safety aspects. The specification also includes instructions for sustainable handling of the material flows and their recovery, recycling and disposal.
DIN SPEC 91421 “Quality assurance of recycling products from dry toilets for use in horticulture” sets requirements for the quality and safety of recycled fertilizers of human origin. These requirements are defined by a multi-criteria approach and based on a risk analysis.
At the end of a product's life, it should be possible to separate the various recyclable materials as far as possible through sorting and dismantling and to recycle them for reuse. Processes that also benefit from standards and specifications, such as the technical specification DIN/TS 54405 “Construction adhesives - Guideline for separation and recycling of adhesives and substrates from bonded joints”. This specification specifies the processes commonly available for separating and recovering adhesives from bonded joints. It applies to commonly used metal and plastic surfaces and non-metallic inorganic joining part surfaces. This Technical Specification thus contributes to the better recyclability of our resources!
The overall objective of DIN SPEC 91436 "Reference model for the design and application of zero-waste processes" is to establish a methodology for describing the zero-waste process. In detail, the DIN SPEC will define a reference model for providing evidence of exemplary waste disposal practice based on defined, documented and verifiable criteria.