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Projects of DKE/K 662

IEC 48D/400/DC 2009-04-24 Inquiry on the maintenance of the IEC 61587-2, Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Tests for IEC 60917 and IEC 60297 - Part 2: Seismic tests for cabinets and racks More  Comment 
IEC 48D/462/CDV 2009-02-13 IEC 60297-3-107 Ed 1.0: Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Dimensions of mechanical structures of the 482,6 mm (19 in) series - Part 3-107: Dimensions of subracks and plug-in units, small form factor More  Comment 
IEC 48D/459/DTS 2008-10-10 EC 62610-2 TS Ed 1.0: Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Thermal management for cabinets in accordance with IEC 60297 and IEC 60917 - Part 2: Design Guide: Method for determination of forced air-cooling structure More  Comment 
IEC 48D/370/DC 2008-01-11 Inquiry on the maintenance of the IEC 61969 series, outdoor enclosures More  Comment 
IEC 48D/343/CD 2006-05-12 IEC 62454 Ed.1: ELECTROMECHANICAL COMPONENTS AND MECHANICAL STRUCTURES FOR ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT - Interface dimensions for water cooling provisions of electronic equipment within cabinets of the IEC 60297 and IEC 60917 series More  Comment 
IEC 48D/339A/NP 2006-04-07 Comments received on 48D/339/NP: Dimensions and test method of general use 1U unit-case (Pizza-box) for electronic system, based on IEC 60297 series More  Comment 
IEC 48D/326/NP 2005-05-27 Interface dimensions for water cooling provisions of electronic equipment within cabinets of the IEC 60297 and IEC 60917 series More  Comment 
IEC 48D/314/DC 2004-11-05 Questionnaire for the maintenance of IEC 61587-1,1999: Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Tests for IEC 60917 and IEC 60297 - Part 1: Climatic, mechanical tests and safety aspects for cabinets, racks, subracks and chassis More  Comment 
IEC 48D/340/FDIS 2004-08-27 Mechanical structures for electronic equipment - Tests for IEC 60917 and IEC 60297 - Part 3: Electromagnetic shielding performance tests for cabinets, racks and subracks (IEC 61587-3:2006) More  Comment 
IEC 48D/286A/NP 2003-05-16 Comment received from SB4 on 48D/286/NP (Connector dependent interface dimensions for subracks and plug-in units) More  Comment